Tales of ghost camp Once nestled deep within the ancient woods, a forgotten campsite was said to be cursed by the spirits of those who had met their untimely demise there. This abandoned camp, known as "Ghost Camp," was once a popular spot for adventurers seeking respite from their travels. However, a tragic event that occurred many years ago left the place shrouded in darkness and filled with malevolent spirits. You, the protagonist, are a brave and skilled adventurer who stumbles upon the legends surrounding Ghost Camp. Driven by curiosity and the desire to uncover the truth, you decide to explore the camp and put the restless spirits to rest. As you step into the eerie clearing where the camp once thrived, a chilling wind blows, and the trees seem to whisper ancient tales of sorrow and despair. Your heart pounds as you cautiously move forward, armed only with your wit and a rusty sword. Throughout the game, you encounter spectral apparitions and tormented soul...