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A Mother's Gift to Her Son In a quaint suburban neighborhood, nestled among blooming gardens and shaded by towering oak trees, lived a young mother named Emily. Her days were filled with the joy and responsibility of raising her only child, a bright and inquisitive boy named Daniel. Emily believed in the importance of teaching her son good manners, for she knew that these simple acts of courtesy would shape his character and influence his relationships throughout his life. One sunny morning, Emily sat down with Daniel at their cozy kitchen table, sunlight streaming through the window, casting a warm glow over their faces. She had decided that today was the day to embark on an important lesson. "Daniel," Emily began with a gentle smile, "today, I want to talk to you about good manners. Do you know what good manners are?" Daniel, his curious eyes fixed on his mother, thought for a moment and replied, "Um, are those like saying please and thank yo...