The Mischievous Ghost of Willowbrook School In the heart of the small, picturesque town of Willowbrook, there stood an old, ivy-covered school building. Willowbrook School had a long and storied history, with generations of children passing through its halls. But what made the school truly unique was its reputation for being haunted. Legend had it that the ghost of a mischievous student named Oliver still roamed the corridors. Oliver had been a troublemaker in life, notorious for his pranks and antics that kept both teachers and fellow students on their toes. According to the tale, he had met an untimely demise under mysterious circumstances, and his spirit continued to haunt the school, pulling pranks even in the afterlife. One dark and stormy night, a group of adventurous friends gathered at Willowbrook School to spend the night. They were determined to uncover the truth about Oliver's ghost and perhaps even witness one of his legendary pranks. The group consisted of ...